Meta introduced several features for WhatsApp in 2023, including highly requested functionalities like the ability to edit sent messages, send photos and videos in HD, share screens on the mobile app, and add up to 32 members to a group video call on WhatsApp for Mac. As the company continues to enhance its messaging service, 2024 is expected to bring even more features, according to updates from WABetaInfo.
One of the upcoming features is the ability to share WhatsApp status updates directly to Instagram. While Meta's other apps allow cross-platform posting and sharing, WhatsApp has been somewhat isolated from the Meta app ecosystem. However, recent findings from WABetaInfo suggest that users may soon be able to share their WhatsApp status to their Instagram story with a single tap. This feature, still in beta, will provide a convenient shortcut to users immediately after posting a new status, allowing for seamless cross-posting of content. Users will have the option to enable or disable this feature based on their preferences. Although initially spotted on WhatsApp for iOS, it has been introduced on Android with the WhatsApp beta update. Additionally, WABetaInfo hints at a forthcoming feature allowing users to share music audio during a video call, currently under development and expected in a future app update.
Another significant development is the potential introduction of usernames on WhatsApp. While other social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook have long adopted unique usernames for each account, WhatsApp has primarily relied on phone numbers for user identification. The addition of usernames, currently being tested on both the mobile app and web client, could provide users with a unique identifier to personalize their profiles and easily connect with others. This change would eliminate the need to share phone numbers for connecting on WhatsApp, making the platform more user-friendly. The feature was initially spotted in development on the Android app and later confirmed on the web client.
These upcoming features were identified in the WhatsApp beta app, where new functionalities are tested before potential integration into the stable version. While beta features sometimes undergo further testing and refinements before release, these three features seem likely to make it to the final release due to their potential to significantly improve usability. Meta's efforts to enhance the integration between WhatsApp and other platforms within its ecosystem reflect the company's commitment to providing users with a seamless and interconnected experience across its various services.